Friday, July 17, 2009

singapore life

i at singapore already got 1 week,at here life not same than kl,i damn miss kl n house now,keke.
i already have get a job at here,is doing jewellery sales,not bad i have agree,yeah......
but i still looking for any job also.
i have walk a round at here,have mrt go by where also easy.
but at here eating buying using is vry expensive.....
this few day i hv go to clerke,north point,china town,and city hall.all also shopping,dono wat can i do,wan to buy thing but damn expensive.better at kl buy.hahaha.
clerke is very nice at here,but all is pub n club,wan drink drank at there sure go there,many ang mo bo see.wakakakakakakaka.
haiz always at hostel nothing to do,just eat sleep watch movie this type only.nothing for me do oso.but no nit i wash shirt any thing oso no nit to do,cause got maid at here,hahaha,so good.
ok la i have nothing to write already.
miss u kl.

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